
Suffering From Perpetual Fernweh

Have you ever have a feeling that you wanna go to a place that you can't describe by the words which cause you to feel pain?
Do you have a true desire in the deep bottom of your heart that you wanna go to every unknown place in the world?
Will you see a photo then you feel woe that you haven't gone to that place in person?

Yeah, there are a word to describe this feeling calls "Fernweh" in German, we can translate it roughly as "An ache for distant places", it's an opposite word against to homesick, homesick is a sickness that missing home, but how can I have a feeling missing a place I don't even know?

Judith Thurman has said, "Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground."

This author describes the "Fernweh" properly, and not only she has a feeling like this, but there is also another author said about this feeling.

"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

I feel the pain that I wanna go to the place that I can't describe.
I have a true desire in the deep bottom of my heart that I wanna go to every unknown places in the world.
I feel woe that I see a photo that I haven't gone to that place in person.

I'm suffering from perpetual fernweh.


還在考慮轉職工程師要上哪間學校? 這裡推薦你免費的學習資源、書籍與素材

在考慮轉職前建議你先看看這篇文章 為什麼我說不要轉職成工程師的七大原因

如果你有以下困擾,歡迎參考此篇文章 :

1.  我是初學者,有沒有推薦的學習資源
2.  有沒有推薦的書籍
3.  想去實體店面翻書,有沒有推薦的店家
4.  原文書很貴,想買又不確定適不適合自己
5.  有沒有論壇可以和大家互相交流
6.  我想要問問題,是要直接把程式碼貼上去問嗎
7.  切版很需要素材,有沒有推薦的網站

而網路上已經有很多為什麼要轉職前端工程師如何轉職成前端工程師的文章,這邊也有一篇 2021 年成為 Web 開發人員的路線圖 可以參考來決定方向 (每年會更新可以自己查閱),這邊就不複述了



把寵物留在你身邊 - 客製化寵物倉鼠骨灰耳環

我的黃金鼠 - 少糖,是在去年11月的時候去世的,在看醫生時就知道時間有限,所以在少糖去世那之前就已經考慮了很多種的方式安葬他;幸好那時候待業有全部的時間陪他,這真是我做過最不後悔的決定。

