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改善下背痛和腰痛 - 倒 S 型 + 扭轉中度脊椎側彎


這篇主要是想講講,我深受脊椎側彎其苦約 20 年,因可能壓迫到內臟、神經等,間接造成各種不舒適,但這幾年終於找到,讓自己一個月背部大概只痛一兩次的方式!

我是在國中時被發現有倒 S 型中度脊椎側彎 + 扭轉,醫生推測發生原因是一下長高太快,但肌肉不足以支撐脊椎而導致側彎。



英國倫敦客製 3D 蛋糕,把自己設計的蛋糕具現化

1. 工程師的除錯鴨鴨 + 壽星的個人特徵 + 壽星本人愛用的語言 Haskell ,參考之前的鴨鴨程式語言披風

2. 工程師必備筆電 MAC + 壽星用的編輯器 VIM 和 Terminal tmux,為了不給蛋糕師造成困擾,所以簡化了版面

3. 必備可愛的貓貓

這樣的 3D 訂製生日蛋糕超棒的吧 : D


Suffering From Perpetual Fernweh

Have you ever have a feeling that you wanna go to a place that you can't describe by the words which cause you to feel pain?
Do you have a true desire in the deep bottom of your heart that you wanna go to every unknown place in the world?
Will you see a photo then you feel woe that you haven't gone to that place in person?

Yeah, there are a word to describe this feeling calls "Fernweh" in German, we can translate it roughly as "An ache for distant places", it's an opposite word against to homesick, homesick is a sickness that missing home, but how can I have a feeling missing a place I don't even know?

Judith Thurman has said, "Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground."

This author describes the "Fernweh" properly, and not only she has a feeling like this, but there is also another author said about this feeling.

"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

I feel the pain that I wanna go to the place that I can't describe.
I have a true desire in the deep bottom of my heart that I wanna go to every unknown places in the world.
I feel woe that I see a photo that I haven't gone to that place in person.

I'm suffering from perpetual fernweh.


把寵物留在你身邊 - 客製化寵物倉鼠骨灰耳環

我的黃金鼠 - 少糖,是在去年11月的時候去世的,在看醫生時就知道時間有限,所以在少糖去世那之前就已經考慮了很多種的方式安葬他;幸好那時候待業有全部的時間陪他,這真是我做過最不後悔的決定。




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