得說現在因為 Covid-19 的關係,不管你再怎麼虛弱,還是只能一個人進去;
我知道你很不舒服,但是撐一下! 說清楚醫生才能幫你治療,
在英國 walk-in 除非嚴重症狀不然會等了三四小時以上,
預約 GP 可能預約不到近期的,
二、常用到身體不適的描述單字 / 語句
Antibiotics ⇒ 抗生素
Prescription ⇒ 處方簽
Medical certificate ⇒ 醫療證明
Prescription medicine ⇒ 需處方簽的藥
Over-the-counter medicine ⇒ 不需處方簽的藥
Cough ⇒ 咳嗽
Mucus ⇒ 黏液
Congested nose / stuffy nose ⇒ 鼻塞
Squeeze out ⇒ 擤鼻涕
Nausea ⇒ 感到噁心
Sneeze ⇒ 打噴嚏
Injection ⇒ 注射
Put on a drip ⇒ 吊點滴
- I won't be able to come to your party; I'm feeling a little under the weather.
- Mary didn't come to class today because she's feeling under the weather.
- I've come down with a fever.
- Do you think you're coming down with the flu, or are you just tired?
- He always thinks he's come down with one illness or another.
- I've had a sore throat for three days.
- This will help your sore throat.
- A lot of the children on the school bus were sniffling.
- Cold weather makes me sniffle.
- He didn't make it into work because he had an upset stomach.
- You shouldn't go to the party if you have an upset stomach.
- My daughter is home from school with a stomach bug / flu.
- There is a stomach bug / flu going around.
- When did you start throwing up / vomiting / puking?
- I threw up / vomited / puked after dinner.
- It's easy to get dehydrated in summer.
- I was so dehydrated after the hike.
- Bill had a bad case of diarrhea.
- Side effects of this medicine include diarrhea and nausea.
- Eat things that are easy on your stomach.
- Bananas are very easy on your stomach.
- Food is digested in the stomach.
- Meat is harder to digest than vegetables or fruit.
- Bananas take a long time to digest.
- The plant will slowly digest the insect it has captured.
- You shouldn't drink tap water in India; it's often contaminated.
- A lot of raw chicken is contaminated with bacteria.
- I got food poisoning after eating chicken that wasn't properly cooked.
- There are over 70 million cases of food poisoning in the U.S. every year.
- It's important to stay hydrated on hot summer days.
- Always stay properly hydrated before, during, and after exercise.
- Don't come near me; I'm contagious / infected.
- Don't worry, it's not contagious / infected.
- Is it contagious / infected?
- It's important to drink lots of fluids when exercising.
- More than 70% of the human body is made of fluid.
- The machine is leaking some kind of fluid onto the floor.
- The fluid runs through the pipes and cools the air around them.
- Relieving symptoms
- She is hoping that the aspirin will relieve her headache.
- Taking a break is a good way to relieve stress.
- The dog is drinking some water to relieve its thirst.
- After a long day's work, there's nothing like a hot bath to relieve aching muscles.
- I need to visit a doctor.
- I will go to see a doctor.
- I'd like to make an appointment; do you have any openings tomorrow?
- What openings do you have on Friday?
- I'd like to make an appointment.
- I'd like to see the doctor today, if possible.
- Ling calls a doctor's office to schedule a visit.
- Is the doctor available next Monday?
- I'm available at noon tomorrow.
- I've put you down for Friday; see you then!
- Could you put me down for Thursday at 10 am?
- Sorry, we're fully booked this week.
- Tammy is a very popular tutor, so her schedule is always fully booked.
- You accept Empire Health Insurance, right?
- My insurance will cover this visit, right?
- My company's health insurance plan covers all my medical costs.
- Make sure that any treatments the doctor recommends are covered by your insurance.
- The doctor told me to come back for a follow-up appointment next week.
- I have a follow-up appointment next month.
- The meeting has been rescheduled to May 16th.
- If you don't mind, I'd like to reschedule our lunch date for next week.
- I need to go to the pharmacy to fill a prescription.
- The pharmacist filled my prescription for asthma medicine.
- If any unusual side effects occur after taking this medicine, consult a doctor.
- Most people experience no side effects at all while taking this medication.
- The side effects of this drug are well known by the public.
- I don't know if the dizziness I feel right now is one of the side effects of this pill.
- The doctor told me to take two tablets of these after every meal.
- Make sure to drink a lot of water when you take these tablets.
- Generic drugs are usually a lot cheaper.
- The pharmacy didn't have Tylenol, but they had some generic alternatives.
- The doctor told his patient to take a vitamin supplement every day.
- Relying too much on supplements is not healthy.
- I asked my doctor to increase the dosage of my painkillers.
- I take only half the normal dosage of this medicine.
- I take four medications, and the dosages for them are all different.
- These two drugs have the same active ingredient.
- The active ingredient in this medication is paracetamol.
- My doctor told me to take the medication as needed.
- Take 2 tablets every 6 hours or as needed.
- Have a cough drop; it'll help your throat feel better.
- She offered to get me some cough drops from the pharmacy.
- My doctor recommended that I take some decongestants.
- Do they sell decongestants at the supermarket?
- Painkillers will help you sleep better.
- You might want to take some ibuprofen for your fever.
- I can get you some ibuprofen if you want?
- Are you allergic to any antibiotics?
- I'm going to give you some antibiotics to take.
- Take this antibiotic three times a day, every four hours.
- This antibiotic should quickly curb the spread of the infection.
- I feel very drowsy today; I might be coming down with something.
- Allergy medications can make you drowsy.
三、報到 / 檢傷 / 醫生可能會問問題等
報到 / 檢傷
- What brings you here? ⇒ 你今天為什來看診?
- What is your surname (last name), first name? ⇒ 你的姓和名是什麼?
- What's your birthday / DOB? / What's your date of birth? ⇒ 你的生日年月份是什麼?
- What's your previous address (如果你搬過家) ⇒ 你之前住在哪裡?
- Do you living in xxxxxx? ⇒ 你現在住在 xxxxxx 地方嗎?
- You phone number is xxxxxx ? / Your phone end with xxxx? ⇒ 你的電話號碼是 xxxxxx 嗎 ? / 你的手機號碼結尾是 xxxx ?
- Is your NHS number end with xxxx ? ⇒ 你的 NHS 號碼結尾是 xxxx 嗎?
- What brings you here? / What's your symptoms? ⇒ 你的症狀是什麼?
- Are you allergic to any medicines? ⇒ 妳有對任何藥物過敏嗎?
- Do you have any medication? 你現在有在服用什麼藥物嗎?
- This bin is for urine ⇒ 請你去做尿液檢查
- Do you mind when we do the urine testing also test pregnancy? ⇒ 介意做尿意檢測時順便做懷孕測試嗎?
- When last time you took the Paracetamol? ⇒ 上次吃退燒藥是麼時候?
- You have a temperature. We need to give you Paracetamol. ⇒ 我們要給你退燒藥因為你正在發燒
- What do you do for a living? ⇒ 你是做什麼的?
- Do you live with someone? ⇒ 你有跟誰一起住嗎?
- Does your roommate have the same symptoms? ⇒ 你的室友也有同樣症狀嗎?
- Do you allergy to any medicines? ⇒ 你有對任何藥物過敏嗎?
- Do you feel sick / vomit? ⇒ 你會想吐嗎?
- Do you feel pain? ⇒ 你現在覺得痛嗎?
- Do you cough? ⇒ 你有咳嗽嗎?
- Did you do the Covid-19 testing? ⇒ 你有做 Covid-19 測試嗎?
- When is the last time you did the Covid-19 test? ⇒ 你上次做 Covid-19 檢查是什麼時候?
- Do you take any Ibuprofen or Paracetamol? ⇒ 你今天有吃任何 Ibuprofen 或 paracetamol 嗎?
- Do you feel chest pain? ⇒ 你胸腔會痛嗎?
- Do you think it's hard to breath? ⇒ 會覺得呼吸困難嗎?
- Do have diarrhoea? ⇒ 你有腹瀉嗎?
- Is your number 2 okay? ⇒ 上大號正常嗎?
- Is your belly hurt? Above the bellybutton or below? ⇒ 你肚子會痛嗎? 是上方還是下方會痛?
- Take off the mask and open the mouth let me check. ⇒ 脫下口罩張嘴讓我檢查看看
- Do you feel burning / pain when you have urine? ⇒ 你上廁所時會覺得疼痛嗎?
- Do have a temperature? ⇒ 你有發燒嗎?
聽診 / 拍 X 光片之類的
- Take a deep breath and hold. ⇒ 深吸一口氣不要動
- Now breathe normally. ⇒ 現在可以正常呼吸了
- Do you scare of needle / pin? ⇒ 你會怕針頭嗎?
- We are going to do some blood testing, which arms do you prefer? ⇒ 抽血檢查你偏好用哪隻手?
- Please make a feast ⇒ 通常是抽血時會要你握緊拳頭
- Help me to push it. ⇒ 抽完血要你幫忙壓住棉花